Things to Consider before Giving Homes a Solar Upgrade

Things to Consider before Giving Homes a Solar Upgrade

Going solar is probably one of the best decisions that any individual on this planet can make not just for energy savings but also for a greener planet. Solar professionals will determine if the roof is suitable for solar panel installation. The costs associated can vary from the usage and the size of the installation. So, here are a few things to consider before giving the homes a solar upgrade.

 Make use of rebates and discounts. Check if there are any campaigns running in the area. There will be community discounts too. The more the residents participate, the lesser will be the cost of installation.

 Always choose a qualified professional with certification, and also come with prior experience installing solar panels for all kinds of residential or commercial properties.

 Check if there are financial options available instead of buying them on power purchase agreement, solar loan or lease. New homeowners can also check if they can add solar to their mortgage. A home with a solar energy system also gives the homeowners eligibility to tax credits.

 Make sure the roof supports the solar panels. Roofing experts or solar installers can provide insights on the best place and position to install the panels. The roof also should be in good condition. The perfect installation ideally depends on the panels’ exposure to the sun. The experts use many online tools to estimate the solar potential based on satellite data.

 Calculate the home’s energy needs. Review the past bills to ascertain how much power is needed on a seasonal and annual basis. If possible get a home energy audit done to see what improvements can be made to get the best of the solar installation.

 Obtain necessary permits from the local authorities. The installer usually does this on behalf of their clients.

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